Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about our services

What primary services do you offer?

We offer paint remodeling services in the residential, commercial, and industrial areas. In order to provide you with superior results we also offer repair and maintenance services to complement the paint work, and provide you with long-lasting, high-quality results. 

What do you specialize in?

Providing excellent paint services, and improving the appearance and condition of residential, commercial and industrial buildings that improve the wellbeing of our customers through the use of high-quality materials, superior customer service, and an skilled and professional team.

What are the rates of your services?

All facilities require a different approach and treatments, that is why in order to provide more accurate and personalized quotes we require a appointment for a Free Estimate. Visiting your facility will allow us get a thororugh understanding of its condition, your needs, and the course of treatment we recommend.

What type of warranty do you provide?

We provide 5 years of warranty for commercial and industrial projects that meet certain specifications. 

Are you licensed and insured?

Yes, we are licensed and insured under the State of Florida, and the Government of Puerto Rico. 

What are your terms and conditions?

See here.

Have additional questions?

Learn more about what we do.